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SCORM® Content Packaging

From IEEE Std. 1484.11.1-2004 IEEE Standard for Learning Technology – Data Model for Content to Learning Management System Communication, Copyright 2004 IEEE; IEEE Std. 1484.11.2-2003 IEEE Standard for Learning Technology – ECMAScript Application Programming Interface for Content to Runtime Services Communication, Copyright 2003 IEEE; IEEE Std. 1484.12.1- 2002 IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata, Copyright 2002 IEEE; and IEEE Std. 1484.12.3-2005 IEEE Standard for Learning Technology – Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata, Copyright 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.

SCORM® 2004 4th Edition documentation suite contains material reprinted with permission from IMS Content Packaging v1.1.4 Copyright 2004, by IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC) and IMS Simple Sequencing v1.0 Copyright 2003, by IMS GLC. IMS Global Learning Consortium has made no inquiry into whether or not the implementation of third party material included in this document would infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any party. Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the document set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation to IMS. This material is being offered without any warranty whatsoever, and in particular, any warranty of non-infringement is expressly disclaimed. Any use of this material shall be made entirely at the implementer’s own risk, and neither the IMS GLC nor any of its members or submitters, shall have any liability whatsoever to any implementer or third party for any damages of any nature whatsoever, directly or indirectly, arising from the use of this material.

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3.1. Content Packaging Overview3.2. Content Package Components3.2.1. Package3.2.2. Manifest3.2.3. Package Interchange File (PIF)3.3. Components of a Manifest3.3.1. Metadata3.3.2. Organizations3.3.2.1. Multiple Content Organizations3.3.2.2. Content Organization3. Authoring Content and Content Collections3.3.2.3. Representing Content Structure3. Content Hierarchy3. Metadata3. Sequencing, Adaptive Sequencing and Navigation3.3.3. Resources3.3.4. Content3.4. Building Content Packages3.4.1. Manifest File3.4.1.1. <manifest> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <schema> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscp3.4.1.4. <schemaversion> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: {Metadata} Metadata using XML extensionsExample: <location> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <organizations> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <organization> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <title> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: <item> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <title> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: <item> Element3.4.1.12. <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <timeLimitAction> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpExample: <dataFromLMS> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpExample: <completionThreshold> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <sequencing> Element3.4.1.17. <presentation> Element3.4.1.18. <data> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <map> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements: <sequencing> Element3.4.1.22. <resources> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <resource> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <file> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <dependency> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <manifest> Element3.4.1.29. <sequencingCollection> Element3.4.2. Content Package Manifest Extensions3.4.3. Content Package Manifest Href Handling3.4.3.1. Handling the XML Base Attribute3.4.3.2. URL Encoding and Decoding3.4.3.3. Handling Additional Parameters as Part of URLs3.5. SCORM Content Package Application Profiles3.5.1. Resource Content Package3.5.2. Content Aggregation Content Package3.5.3. SCORM Content Package Application Profile Requirements3.6. Best Practices and Practical Guidelines3.6.1. Multiple Organizations for a Single Course3.6.2. Using the <dependency> Element