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3.2. Content Package Components

This section contains an overview of content packages, the nomenclature used to describe content packages and the makeup of content packages. The IMS Content Packaging Specification describes data structures that are used to provide interoperability of web- enabled content with authoring tools, LMSs and run-time environments. The objective of the IMS Content Packaging Specification is to define a standardized set of structures that can be used to exchange content. The scope of the IMS Content Packaging Specification is focused on defining interoperability between systems that wish to import, export, aggregate and disaggregate content packages.

A content package contains two major components:

A special XML document describing the content structure and associated resources of the package called the manifest file (imsmanifest.xml). Refer to Section 3.3: Components of a Manifest for more details on manifests. A manifest is required to be present at the root of the content package.

The content (i.e., physical files) making up the content package.

Figure 3.2a is a conceptual diagram that illustrates the components of a content package.


Figure 3.2a: Content Package Conceptual Diagram


3.2.1. Package3.2.2. Manifest3.2.3. Package Interchange File (PIF)