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3.4.1. Manifest File

The following section defines the requirements for building an imsmanifest.xml file. The manifest is a structured inventory of the content of the package. If the package is intended for delivery to an end user, then the manifest also contains information about how the content is organized. The imsmanifest.xml is, as the name implies, an XML file. This section defines the requirements for each element defined by the IMS Content Packaging Specification.

Some elements use the term smallest permitted maximum (SPM) in describing the multiplicity and/or data types. The SPM indicates that applications that process content

packages shall process at least that number of elements or number of characters, but are free to support and exceed the limit.

The data types and the formats for the elements are defined by the data types prescribed by the XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes W3C Recommendation [13]. The ordering of the XML elements is as defined by the IMS Content Packaging XML Binding for the manifest.

The following table is used to describe the SCORM Content Packaging Application Profile (refer to Section 3.5: The SCORM Content Package Application Profiles for more details) requirements:

Table 3.4.1a: SCORM Content Packaging Application Profile Table Format

SCORM Content Packaging Application Profile

Manifest Multiplicity Requirements

Content Aggregation




The SCORM Content Packaging Application Profile column describes the types of application profiles defined by SCORM. The Manifest Multiplicity Requirements column defines the multiplicity requirement for the XML elements in the imsmanifest.xml file.

Table 3.4.1b: Explanation of Content Packaging Application Profile Multiplicity Requirements

Multiplicity Requirement


1 and only 1

The element must exist 1 and only 1 time within the parent element

0 or More

The element can exist 0 or More times within the parent element.

1 or More

The element must exist 1 or More times within the parent element.


The element is not permitted.

0 or 1

The element can exist 0 or 1 time within the parent element.

Table 3.4.1b defines the types of multiplicities that are used in this section. Each type is accompanied by a brief explanation. <manifest> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <schema> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscp3.4.1.4. <schemaversion> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: {Metadata} Metadata using XML extensionsExample: <location> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <organizations> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <organization> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <title> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: <item> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <title> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: <item> Element3.4.1.12. <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <timeLimitAction> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpExample: <dataFromLMS> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpExample: <completionThreshold> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <sequencing> Element3.4.1.17. <presentation> Element3.4.1.18. <data> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <map> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements: <sequencing> Element3.4.1.22. <resources> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <resource> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <file> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <dependency> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <manifest> Element3.4.1.29. <sequencingCollection> Element