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3.5. SCORM Content Package Application Profiles

SCORM Content Package Application Profiles describe how the IMS Content Packaging Specification will be applied within the overall context of SCORM. The application profiles provide practical guidance for implementers and define additional requirements imposed by SCORM to integrate other standards and specifications and ensure interoperability. The IMS Content Packaging Specification will be used as the basis for a SCORM Content Package. However, SCORM will impose additional requirements, above those defined by the IMS Content Packaging Specification, to ensure sufficient information is included in each package. This will enable SCORM conformant systems to import and export packages that can be used by other SCORM conformant systems.

SCORM introduces the Content Aggregation Model (Section 2.1: The SCORM Content Model Components) that defines a generalized framework for object based learning content. The components are assets, SCOs and Content Organizations. There are currently two SCORM Content Package Application Profiles, which describe how to package Content Aggregation Model components, identified:

Resource Content Packages

Content Aggregation Content Packages.

The following sections describe the application profiles, the constraints imposed by SCORM and a set of recommended best practices.


3.5.1. Resource Content Package3.5.2. Content Aggregation Content Package3.5.3. SCORM Content Package Application Profile Requirements