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3.4. Building Content Packages

This section presents the requirements for building SCORM Content Packages. The section describes the XML binding for the IMS Content Packaging Specification as applied to SCORM. There are some specific rules that have guided the creation of this XML binding:

The XML binding will adhere to the XML 1.0 specification [6] of the W3C.

The XML binding must maintain the definitional structure of the IMS Content Packaging Information Model.

Some of the requirements are also drawn from other various specifications and standards. The majority of the requirements are inherited by the requirements defined in IMS Content Packaging Specification. Some other specifications and standards are implicitly inherited based on the nature of the XML and other Internet technologies.

This section also defines the requirements for each of the SCORM Content Package Application Profiles:

Resource Content Package Application Profile: A content package that only contains resources (i.e., no organization). This type of content package can be used for bundling a set of learning resources with no defined organization or content structure. These learning resources may or may not have relationships between each other.

Content Aggregation Content Package Application Profile: A content package for bundling a set of learning resources and their intended static structure and sequencing requirements (i.e., the manifest contains 1 or more organizations of the learning resources).

Refer to Section 3.5: The SCORM Content Package Application Profiles for more information on SCORM Content Package Application Profiles.


3.4.1. Manifest File3.4.1.1. <manifest> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <schema> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscp3.4.1.4. <schemaversion> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: {Metadata} Metadata using XML extensionsExample: <location> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <organizations> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <organization> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <title> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: <item> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <title> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpExample: <item> Element3.4.1.12. <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <timeLimitAction> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpExample: <dataFromLMS> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpExample: <completionThreshold> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <sequencing> Element3.4.1.17. <presentation> Element3.4.1.18. <data> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements:Example: <map> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: adlcpAttributes:Elements: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements: <sequencing> Element3.4.1.22. <resources> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <resource> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <file> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <metadata> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <dependency> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: imscpAttributes:Elements:Example: <manifest> Element3.4.1.29. <sequencingCollection> Element3.4.2. Content Package Manifest Extensions3.4.3. Content Package Manifest Href Handling3.4.3.1. Handling the XML Base Attribute3.4.3.2. URL Encoding and Decoding3.4.3.3. Handling Additional Parameters as Part of URLs