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3.3. Components of a Manifest

The manifest file represents the information needed to describe the contents of the package. Figure 3.3a describes the makeup of a manifest file.


Figure 3.3a: Components of a Manifest

The manifest is composed of four major sections:

1. Metadata: Data describing the content package as a whole.

2. Organizations: Contains the content structure or organization of the learning resources making up a stand-alone unit or units of instruction. A definition of sequencing intent can be associated with the content structure.

3. Resources: Defines the learning resources bundled in the content package.

4. (sub)Manifest(s): Describes any logically nested units of instruction (which can be treated as stand-alone units).


3.3.1. Metadata3.3.2. Organizations3.3.2.1. Multiple Content Organizations3.3.2.2. Content Organization3. Authoring Content and Content Collections3.3.2.3. Representing Content Structure3. Content Hierarchy3. Metadata3. Sequencing, Adaptive Sequencing and Navigation3.3.3. Resources3.3.4. Content