< Previous | Contents | Next > {Metadata}

Metadata can be inserted into a manifest using an appropriate metadata scheme [3]. If using metadata to describe SCORM Content Model Components, ADL highly recommends, at a minimum, the use of the IEEE LOM metadata scheme. Organizations may use various other metadata schemes if necessary (e.g., work being performed by Dublin Core). This metadata describes the package as a whole. There are several mechanisms for inserting metadata in a manifest. Metadata can be inserted into a manifest by extensions to the XML (inline metadata). ADL also provides a namespaced element (refer to Section <location> Element) to permit a reference to a stand- alone XML file. The {Metadata}, found as a child of the <metadata>, is optional (can appear 0 or More times using one of the mechanisms described). The example below illustrates the use of inline XML extensions of the LOM elements.

SCORM Content Packaging Application Profile

Manifest Multiplicity Requirements

Content Aggregation

0 or More


0 or More