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1.3. SCORM Navigation Overview

The SCORM SN book also describes how learner- and system-initiated navigation events can be triggered and processed, resulting in the identification of learning activities for delivery. Each learning activity identified for delivery will have an associated content object. The SCORM RTE book [4] (Section 2.1.2: Launching Content Objects) describes how identified content objects are launched. The sequence of launched content objects, for a given learner and content structure, provides a unique learning experience (learner interaction with content objects); the SCORM RTE book describes how the LMS manages the resulting learning experience for SCOs and how that learning experience may affect the activity tree.

Navigation assumes the existence of user interface devices to trigger navigation events. These devices may be provided by the LMS or embedded in content objects. When a learner triggers such a device, the LMS translates the event into its corresponding navigation request, processes the request, and then indicates the next learning activity for delivery. The SCORM SN book describes a run-time data model that SCOs may use to indicate desired navigation requests to the LMS.

The SCORM SN book does not impose requirements on the type or style of the user interface presented to a learner at run-time, including any user interface devices for navigation or accessing auxiliary services. The nature of the user interface and the mechanisms for interaction between the learner and the LMS are intentionally unspecified. Issues such as look and feel, presentation style and placement of user interface devices or controls are outside the scope of SCORM. Various recommendations are provided to help reduce interpretation of the SCORM navigation model until a formal navigation (and presentation) specification or standard is developed. However, an LMS is required to provide user interface devices that trigger navigation events whose processing would result in the identification of a deliverable content object.

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