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1.2. SCORM Sequencing Overview

Parts of the SCORM SN book are based on the IMS Simple Sequencing (SS) Specification [1] which defines a method for representing the intended behavior of an authored learning experience such that any LMS will sequence discrete learning activities consistently. IMS SS is labeled as simple because it defines a limited number of widely used sequencing behaviors, not because the specification itself is simple. IMS SS is not all-inclusive. In particular, IMS SS does not address, but does not necessarily preclude, artificial intelligence-based sequencing, schedule-based sequencing, sequencing requiring data from closed external systems and services (e.g., sequencing of embedded simulations), collaborative learning, customized learning or synchronization between multiple parallel learning activities.

IMS SS recognizes only the role of the learner and does not define sequencing capabilities that use or are dependent on other actors, such as instructors, mentors or peers. The SCORM SN book does not prohibit its use in contexts involving other actors; however, it does not define roles of other actors or sequencing behaviors that result from participation of other actors.

The SCORM SN book defines how IMS SS is applied and extended in a SCORM environment. It defines the required behaviors and functionality that SCORM-compliant LMSs must implement to process sequencing information at run-time. More specifically, it describes the branching and flow of learning activities in terms of an activity tree, based on the results of a learner’s interactions with launched content objects and an authored sequencing strategy.

SCORM does not place any requirements on an LMS related to how or when activity trees are created, the internal representation of activity trees or the management of activity trees at run-time. However, the SCORM CAM book defines one representation of sequencing information via extensions to a SCORM content package, providing an interoperable mechanism to exchange content structure and sequencing information between different run-time components or LMSs.

In summary, SCORM Sequencing depends on a defined structure of learning activities the activity tree; a defined sequencing strategy, the sequencing definition model; and the application of defined behavior to external and system triggered events, SCORM sequencing behaviors.