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5.3. Relationship to Content Packaging

The IMS Content Packaging Specification provides a structure for relating a learning activity to a content resource – the <imscp:item> element and its relationship to a

<imscp:resource> element. Furthermore, <imscp:item> elements can be clustered into collections, with such collections contained in a parent <imscp:organization> element, as learning activities may be clustered together in a parent activity or activities. Therefore, IMS SS maps the concept of a learning activity to an <imscp:item> element, a collection of <imscp:item> elements within an <imscp:organization> element and to an <imscp:organization> element itself as defined by the IMS Content Packaging Specification. The Content Packaging XML Binding is extended by this specification to define how sequencing information is associated with packaged content.

The process of defining a specific sequence of learning activities begins with the creation of an aggregation of content to be interchanged using a SCORM Content Aggregation Application Profile of the IMS Content Package specification. As shown in the figure below, the Content Packaging <imscp:organization> element and each <imscp:item> element within it can have defined sequencing behaviors through the association of sequencing information:


Figure 5.3a: Sequencing Rules and Content Packaging Structure Relationship

All SCORM conformant Content Aggregation Content Packages include, by default, sequencing information. If a SCORM Content Package does not include any sequencing information, the implied default behavior is to allow a learner to freely choose any activity with no guidance or constraints.

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