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4.3. LOM XML Schema Validation Approaches

The LOM XML Binding is fundamentally a collection of rules describing how to create metadata instances in XML. The XSD files are used to describe and enforce these rules. Sometimes there are certain rules that cannot be expressed in an XML Schema Definition. In these cases, these rules are described by the normative text found in the IEEE standard. The IEEE provides several validation approaches for the LOM XML Binding. These validation approaches were built to provide several alternative XML schemas. Each of the approaches created support and enforce a different set of binding rules. In all cases, the XSD files are not sufficient to validate LOM Metadata instances. LOM Metadata instances shall be conformant to the LOM XML Binding in all cases where:

LOM XML Binding = “XML Schema Definition” + “Normative Standard”

The IEEE provides a set of driver schemas that support the different validation approaches. These approaches can be used in the validation of the LOM metadata instances. However, there may be additional validation steps needed based on the approach being used. The following sections describe the different validation approaches, schema drivers and their relationship to SCORM.


4.3.1. Strict Schema Validation Approach4.3.2. Custom Schema Validation Approach4.3.3. Loose Schema Validation Approach