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4.2. LOM Metadata Creation

The following sections outline the LOM XML metadata elements. According to the IEEE, every LOM metadata element is optional. This implies that when building an XML metadata instance, the developer can optionally pick and choose which elements to use.

The IEEE LOM Information Model describes the set of data elements that are available to build metadata. The LOM Information Model is broken up into nine categories.

These categories are based on the definitions found in the LOM Information Model. The nine categories of metadata elements are:

1. The General category can be used to describe general information about the SCORM Content Model Component as a whole.

2. The Life Cycle category can be used to describe features related to the history and current state of the SCORM Content Model Component and those who have affected the component during its evolution.

3. The Meta-metadata category can be used to describe information about the metadata record itself (rather than the SCORM Content Model Component that the record describes).

4. The Technical category can be used to describe technical requirements and characteristics of the SCORM Content Model Components.

5. The Educational category can be used to describe the educational and pedagogic characteristics of the SCORM Content Model Component.

6. The Rights category can be used to describe the intellectual property rights and conditions of use for the SCORM Content Model Component.

7. The Relation category can be used to describe features that define the relationship between this SCORM Content Model Component and other targeted components.

8. The Annotation category can be used to provide comments on the educational use of the SCORM Content Model Component and information on when and by whom the comments were created.

9. The Classification category can be used to describe where the SCORM Content Model Component falls within a particular classification system.

Some elements use the term smallest permitted maximum (SPM) in describing the multiplicity and/or data types. The SPM indicates that applications that process metadata shall process at least that number of elements or number of characters, but are free to support and exceed the limit.

Table 4.2a: Explanation of Multiplicity Requirements

Multiplicity Requirement


1 and only 1

The element must exist 1 and only 1 time within the parent element

0 or More

The element can exist 0 or More times within the parent element.

1 or More

The element must exist 1 or More times within the parent element.

0 or 1

The element can exist 0 or 1 time within the parent element.

Table 4.2a defines the types of multiplicities that are used in this section. Each type is accompanied by a brief explanation. The table also has definitions for SPMs for those elements that have a multiplicity of more than 1. The SPM indicates the smallest number of elements that must be supported by a processing system.


4.2.1. <lom> ElementXML Namespace Prefix: lom4.2.2. <general> ElementExample: <identifier> Element4. <catalog> ElementExample: <entry> ElementXML Binding Representation: <entry>Example: <title> ElementXML Binding Representation: <title>Example: <language> ElementExample: <description> ElementExample: <keyword> ElementExample: <coverage> ElementExample: <structure> ElementExample: <aggregationLevel> ElementExample:4.2.3. <lifeCycle> ElementExample: <version> ElementExample: <status> ElementExample: <contribute> ElementExample: <role> ElementXML Binding Representation: <role>Example: <entity> Element4. <date> ElementXML Binding Representation: <date>4.2.4. <metaMetadata> Element4.2.4.1. <identifier> Element4. <catalog> ElementExample: <entry> ElementXML Binding Representation: <entry>Example: <contribute> ElementExample: <role> ElementXML Binding Representation: <role> <entity> Element4. <date> ElementXML Binding Representation: <date> <metadataSchema> ElementExample: <language> ElementExample:4.2.5. <technical> ElementExample: <format> Element4.2.5.2. <size> ElementXML Binding Representation: <size>Example: <location> ElementExample: <requirement> Element4. <orComposite> Element4. <type> ElementXML Binding Representation: <type> <name> ElementXML Binding Representation: <name>Example: <minimumVersion> Element4. <maximumVersion> Element4.2.5.5. <installationRemarks> ElementExample: <otherPlatformRequirements> ElementExample: <duration> Element4.2.6. <educational> ElementExample: <interactivityType> ElementExample: <learningResourceType> ElementExample: <interactivityLevel> ElementExample: <semanticDensity> ElementExample: <intendedEndUserRole> ElementExample: <context> ElementExample: <typicalAgeRange> ElementExample: <difficulty> ElementExample: <typicalLearningTime> Element4.2.6.10. <description> ElementExample: <language> ElementExample:4.2.7. <rights> Element4.2.7.1. <cost> ElementXML Binding Representation: <cost>Example: <copyrightAndOtherRestrictions> Element4.2.7.3. <description> ElementExample:4.2.8. <relation> ElementExample: <kind> ElementXML Binding Representation: <kind>Example: <resource> ElementExample: <identifier> Element4. <catalog> ElementExample: <entry> ElementXML Binding Representation: <entry> <description> ElementExample:4.2.9. <annotation> ElementExample: <entity> ElementExample: <date> ElementXML Binding Representation: <date> <description> ElementExample:4.2.10. <classification> Element4.2.10.1. <purpose> ElementExample: <taxonPath> Element4. <source> ElementExample: <taxon> ElementXML Binding Representation: <taxon> <id> ElementXML Binding Representation: <id>Example: <entry> ElementXML Binding Representation: <entry>Example: <description> Element4.2.10.4. <keyword>Example:4.2.11. Common Data Types4.2.11.1. CharacterString Data Type4.2.11.2. LangString Data TypeXML Namespace Prefix: lomAttribute:Example: Vocabulary Data TypeExample: DateTime Data TypeExample: Duration Data TypeExample: VCard Data TypeExample: