LMS Technology
xAPI Documents & Details

Your single location for all LMS & eLearning related technologies and standards.
From the basics to the advanced. Nothing fancy, just the facts folx. 

---------------------All Versions---------------------
Officially Registered xAPI Verbs
xAPI packaging XML definitions
---------------------Version 1.0.3---------------------
Interactive Spec UI
Part 1-About the Experience API-Markdown
Part 2-Experience API Data-Markdown
Part 3-Data Processing, Validation, and Security-Markdown
---------------------Version 2.0---------------------
Interactive Spec UI
9274.1.1 xAPI Base Standard for Content-Markdown
9274.1.1 xAPI Base Standard for LRSs
9274.1.1 xAPI Base Standard Front Matter
9274.1.1 xAPI Base Standard Overview