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4.2. Tracking Model

To enable conditional sequencing of activities, information about a learner’s interactions with launched content objects associated with delivered activities must be maintained and managed. IMS SS describes tracking information that must be maintained for each activity in the activity tree. The set of data model elements that describe the tracking information is called the tracking model.

SCORM does not impose any implementation requirements on how the tracking model is represented or managed. Furthermore, there is no requirement that the tracking model consists of or is limited to the elements described below or that only one set of tracking information exists at a given time for each activity. Implementations are required to exhibit the behaviors described in the Sequencing Pseudo Code (Appendix C) “as-if” they acted on the tracking model described in this section. Implementations are free to manage and optimize tracking information in any way they see fit to perform “what-if” evaluations of activity tree state. However, when the various sequencing processes are applied within the context of the Overall Sequencing Process (refer to Section 4.3), the processes must all utilize the same set of valid tracking information to ensure consistent application of sequencing behaviors.


4.2.1. Tracking Model Overview4.2.1.1 Tracking Model4.2.1.2 Objective Progress Information4.2.1.3 Activity Progress Information4.2.1.4 Attempt Progress Information4.2.1.5 Activity State Information4.2.1.6 Global State Information4.2.1.7 Tracking Behavior