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2.2. Starting and Stopping a Sequencing Session

A sequencing session is the time from when an attempt on the root activity of an activity tree begins until that attempt ends; outside of the context of a sequencing session the current activity is considered to be undefined. The SCORM Sequencing Behaviors only specify which navigation requests can begin a sequencing session, but they do not specify when or how those navigation requests are triggered. Generally, the LMS will issue a Start navigation request in recognition of some system event, e.g., a login, begin course, etc. It is recommended, if the previous sequencing session ended due to a Suspend All navigation request, the LMS should issue a Resume All navigation request instead of a Start.

In some cases, neither the Start nor Resume All navigation requests will succeed, only a valid Choice navigation request will start the sequencing session. It is the LMS’s responsibility to provide some mechanism to invoke a valid Choice navigation request.

A sequencing session ends when an Exit sequencing request is processed from the root activity in the activity tree. This can be caused by an Exit All or a Suspend All navigation request, or an exit action sequencing rule (refer to Section 4.5: Termination Behavior) successfully applied to the root of the activity tree.