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5.1. Navigation Model Overview

In the context of SCORM, the learning experience provided to a learner is the series of learning activities experienced by that learner for a given activity tree; that is, the series of activities identified by the sequencer for delivery and ultimately launched for the learner. As described in the sequencing behavior section (refer to Section 4.3: Overall Sequencing Process), the LMS’s sequencing implementation is a passive component of the LMS; it only acts in response to navigation requests issued by the LMS. Navigation is the process by which a learner and an LMS cooperate to identify navigation requests to realize a learning experience.

Typically, the LMS will provide some set of user interface devices that the learner may use to indicate a desired navigation requests. In some cases, content developers may wish to indicate that the LMS should not provide those user interface devices; instead, the content will provide them. Sometimes the content may provide user interface devices in addition to those provided by the LMS. In all cases, navigation requests correspond to learner or content-directed movement through an activity tree.

SCORM imposes no requirements on the type or style of the user interface presented to a learner at run-time, including any user interface devices for navigation. The nature of the user interface and the mechanisms for capturing interactions between the learner and the LMS are intentionally unspecified. Issues such as look and feel, presentation style and placement of user interface devices or controls are outside the scope of SCORM.