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4.9. Delivery Behavior

The information in this section is intended to supplement, not replace, the Delivery Behavior section of IMS SS. Refer to IMS SS for more details. Implementations are required to exhibit the normative behaviors described in the SCORM Sequencing Behavior Pseudo Code (refer to Appendix C) instead of the pseudo code described in IMS SS.

Delivery behavior defines the last step of the Overall Sequencing Process. The purpose of delivery behavior is, given an identified delivery request, validate that request and if valid, deliver the appropriate content object. An LMS must determine, using the content package, the associated content object to deliver for the identified activity. If the delivery behavior was invoked as part of the Overall Sequencing Process, it is possible that the delivery request will not be validated. It is left to the LMS to gracefully handle this condition and manage the learner experience appropriately.

Delivery behavior (via the Delivery Request Process) may be invoked by an LMS outside of the context of the Overall Sequencing Process. This may be done to perform “what-

if” evaluations of potential delivery requests. The Delivery Request Process does not affect any tracking information, therefore, it can be invoked without concern for side effects. However, it is the implementation’s responsibility to manage any results appropriately.

One of the goals of SCORM is that content objects be reusable and interoperable across multiple LMS. For this to be possible, there must be a common way to start attempts on content objects. The Content Delivery Environment Process defines a bridge between the LMS’s sequencing implementation and SCORM delivery mechanism. It manages the state of the activity tree pending an assumed delivery of a content object and identifies that learning resource to the SCORM delivery mechanism.

The SCORM delivery mechanism defines a common way for LMSs to start an attempt on web-based content objects. This mechanism defines the procedures and responsibilities for the establishment of communication between the delivered content object and the LMS. The communication protocols are standardized using a common API. This common delivery scheme enables consistent content object delivery behavior across LMSs without specifying the underlying LMS implementation.

ADL Note: In this context, the term “LMS” is used to describe systems that include the function of managing delivery of learning resources. This delivery scheme addresses delivery of Web-enabled learning resources in the form of SCOs and launchable Assets within the context of a learning experience.


4.9.1. Delivery Request Process4.9.2. Content Delivery Environment Process4.9.3. Launching a Content Object