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4.8. Sequencing Behavior

The information in this section is intended to supplement, not replace, the Sequencing Behavior section of IMS SS. Refer to IMS SS for more details. Implementations are required to exhibit the normative behaviors described in the SCORM Sequencing Behavior Pseudo Code (refer to Appendix C) instead of the pseudo code described in IMS SS.

The behavior described in this section is fundamental to SCORM Sequencing. The purpose of sequencing behavior is, given the current state of an activity tree, to attempt to determine the “next” activity to deliver by traversing the activity tree in some defined manner from the current activity, or attempt to initiate a new sequencing session by identifying the first activity to deliver to the learner.

None of the sequencing processes alters the state of the activity tree; they do not change the current activity or affect any activity’s tracking status information. The sequencing behavior assumes the state of the activity tree is current as of the moment the Sequencing Request Process is invoked.

If the sequencing behavior was invoked as part of the Overall Sequencing Process, it is possible that the sequencing behavior will not identify an activity to deliver. It is left to the LMS to gracefully handle this condition and manage the learner experience appropriately. Sequencing Requests4.8.2. Sequencing Request Process4.8.3. Evaluating Limit Conditions4.8.4. Evaluating Precondition Sequencing Rules4.8.5. Flow SubprocessLoop4.8.6. Overall Sequencing Process4.8.6.1 Start Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.2 Resume All Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.3 Retry Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.4 Exit Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.5 Continue Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.6 Previous Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.7 Choice Sequencing Request Process4.8.6.8 Jump Sequencing Request Process