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1.1. Introduction to the SCORM Sequencing and Navigation (SN) Book

The SCORM SN book describes how SCORM-compliant content may be delivered to learners through a set of learner- or system-initiated navigation events. The branching and flow of that content may be described by a predefined set of activities.

Several key concepts are introduced in the SCORM SN book. It covers the essential learning management system (LMS) responsibilities for sequencing content objects (Sharable Content Objects [SCOs] or assets) during run-time and allowing those SCOs to indicate navigation requests. The SN book also offers guidance for providing navigation controls to learners. The general subjects include:

Sequencing concepts and terminology (e.g., learning activities, activity trees, clusters)

Sequencing definition model (i.e., detailed descriptions and requirements of the sequencing information that can be applied to learning activities)

Sequencing behavior model (i.e., detailed descriptions of LMS behaviors to prescribed sequencing information and learner’s experience with learning content)

Navigation controls and requirements

Navigation data model

Communication between content and LMSs facilitates the use of SCORM Sequencing and Navigation to present content to learners based on learners’ choices and performance at run-time. This communication also enables LMSs to track learner completion and progress while content is being presented to the learner. This book describes in detail how sequencing behaviors are applied to track learner progress.


1.1.1. Using the SCORM Sequencing and Navigation Book1.1.2. Relationship with other SCORM Books1.1.2.1 The SCORM Content Aggregation Model (CAM) Book1.1.2.2 The SCORM Run-Time Environment (RTE) Book