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4.3. Inter-SCO Storage Data Model Extension

Prior to SCORM 2004 4th Edition, the SCORM Run-Time Environment Data Model defined a set of data model elements that were tracked and accessed on a strictly per learner per attempt per SCO basis. SCOs had no visablity or access into information tracked by other SCOs or even different attempts on a given SCO. While this SCO ‘black box’ model of data storage and access provides interoperability, it prevents several instructional use cases and in some cases forces implementers to construct larger, less repurposable, SCOs.

The adl.data data model elements provide the ability to share sets of data across SCOs through a collection of data stores. Each adl.data store is referenced by ID and contains freeform text generated and managed by the SCO. The structure and content of the data store is not specified.

The LMS is not required to cache or locally store the contents of the data stores relative to the SCO; it must only provide access to the current state of the data store upon request (GetValue() and SetValue()calls) by the SCO. The number of data stores provided to a SCO at run-time is defined statically within the manifest (see Section: in the SCORM CAM). The data portion of each data store has a SPM of 64000. The LMS is free to support more than the SPM, however due to potential interoperability issues, this is not recommended.


4.3.1. Defining Shared Data Stores4.3.2. Data Store Access and Persistence