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4.2. SCORM Run-Time Environment Data Model

The SCORM Run-Time Environment Data Model contains a set of data model elements that can be tracked by the SCO with an LMS during the run-time of the SCO. The data model elements can be used to track items like status, scores, interactions, objectives, etc. Some of the run-time environment data model elements impact each other or are used in coordination with others. Some of the data model elements, if used, impact the control and sequence of other SCOs that are being used in the same context (e.g., lesson or course). Table 4.2.a summarizes high level information about each data model elements.

Table 4.2a: SCORM Run-Time Environment Data Model Elements Summary

Data Model Element

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Data Model Element

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Comments From Learner


Contains text from the learner.

Comments From LMS


Contains comments and annotations intended to be made available to the learner.

Completion Status


Indicates whether the learner has completed the SCO.

Completion Threshold


Identifies a value against which the measure of the progress the learner has made toward completing the SCO can be compared to determine whether the SCO should be considered completed.



Indicates whether the learner will be credited for performance in this SCO.



Contains information that asserts whether the learner has previously accessed the SCO.



Indicates how or why the learner left the SCO.



Defines information pertaining to an interaction for the purpose of measurement or assessment.

Launch Data


Provides data specific to a SCO that the SCO can use for initialization.

Learner Id


Identifies the learner on behalf of whom the SCO instance was launched.

Learner Name


Represents the name of the learner.

Learner Preference


Specifies learner preferences associated with the learner’s use of the SCO.



Represents a location in the SCO.

Maximum Time Allowed


Indicates the amount of accumulated time the learner is allowed to use a SCO in the learner attempt.



Identifies the modes in which the SCO may be presented to the learner.



Specifies learning or performance objectives associated with a SCO.

Progress Measure


Identifies a measure of the progress the learner has made toward completing the SCO.

Scaled Passing Score


Identifies the scaled passing score for a SCO.



Identifies the learner’s score for the SCO.

Session Time


Identifies the amount of time that the learner has spent in the current learner session for the SCO.

Success Status


Indicates whether the learner has mastered the SCO.

Suspend Data


Provides information that may be created by a SCO as a result of a learner accessing or interacting with the SCO.

Time Limit Action


Indicates what the SCO should do when the maximum time allowed is exceeded.

Total Time


Identifies the sum of all of the learner’s learner session times accumulated in the current learner attempt prior to the current

Data Model Element

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learner session.

The following sections define the requirements for implementation of the SCORM Run- Time Environment Data Model. Each data model element is presented in a new section (i.e., 4.2.1, 4.2.2, etc.). Each section contains a table that describes the specific requirements for the data model element. These requirements apply to both LMS and SCO implementations. Some requirements impact LMS implementations; some impact SCO implementations and some impact both LMS and SCO implementations.

Table 4.2b describes the layout and format of the tables and provides descriptive information describing each portion of the tables.

Table 4.2b: Data Model Element Table Explanation

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<dot-notation characterstring representation of the data model element>

This section provides descriptive data about the data model element.

Data Model Element Implementation Requirements: This section of the table defines the data model element implementation requirements. This section outlines those requirements about the data type that both an LMS and a SCO shall adhere. This section of the table is broken up into three sub-sections Data Type, Value Space and Format.

Data Type: Describes the specific data type for the data model element as defined by the IEEE standard [1].

Value Space: Represents the space of values that can be held by the data type. For example, the data type may be a characterstring, however that characterstring data values may be restricted to the ASCII character set.

Format: Describes any format restrictions placed on the value for the data type. For example, times may have a certain format (i.e., hh:mm:ss).

LMS Behavior Requirements:

This section describes the set of requirements that an LMS is required to follow.

Sequencing Impacts:

This section describes the impacts of the data model element on sequencing rules and behaviors. If this section is omitted, the data model element has no impacts on sequencing.

SCO Behavior Requirements:

This section describes the set of requirements that a SCO is required to follow.

API Implementation Requirements:

GetValue(): This section outlines the specific behaviors that an LMS shall adhere to when processing GetValue() requests for the specified data model element. This section also outlines the error conditions that could occur using the specified data model element with a GetValue() request.

SetValue(): This section outlines the specific behaviors that an LMS shall adhere to when processing SetValue() requests for the specified data model element. This section also outlines the error conditions that could occur using the specified data model element with a SetValue() request.

Additional Behavior Requirements:

This section outlines any additional behavior requirements that are specific to the data model element.

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This section outlines valid API method calls using the data model element.


4.2.1. Data Model Version4.2.2. Comments From Learner4.2.3. Comments From LMS4.2.4. Completion Status4.2.4.1 Completion Status Evaluation4.2.5. Completion Threshold4.2.6. Credit4.2.7. Entry4.2.8. Exit4.2.9. Interactions4.2.9.1 Correct Responses Pattern Data Model Element Specifics4.2.9.2 Learner Response Data Model Element Specifics4.2.10. Launch Data4.2.11. Learner Id4.2.12. Learner Name4.2.13. Learner Preference4.2.14. Location4.2.15. Maximum Time Allowed4.2.16. Mode4.2.16.1 Mode and Credit Usage Requirements4.2.17. Objectives4.2.17.1 Associating Objective Status Information to SCOs4.2.17.2 Initialization of Run-Time Objectives from Sequencing Information4.2.18. Progress Measure4.2.19. Scaled Passing Score4.2.20. Score4.2.21. Session Time4.2.22. Success Status4.2.22.1 Success Status Evaluation4.2.23. Suspend Data4.2.24. Time Limit Action4.2.25. Total Time