Aviation Industry Metadata Description
Version 1.0
October 2006
AICC Management and Processes Subcommittee
Scott Bergstrom AICC Administrator
P.O. Box 472
Sugar City, ID 83448-0472
The data contained in this document has been collected by the AICC as an information resource for computer-based training programs. Neither the AICC nor any of its members assumes nor shall any of them have any responsibility for any use by anyone for any purpose of this document or of the data which it contains.
©2006 AICC
All rights reserved.
Telephone: (208) 496-1136 E-mail: admin@aicc.org
Prepared by:
William Shook, Boeing Jack Hyde, AICC
Neil Cramer, Northwest Airlines George Uhrich, VTN Technologies Guy Tourigny, IBM
Mike Medley, Cappella University Anne Montgomery, AICC Heather Katz, IDSI
Bernard Bouyt, Airbus
Approved by: Date
Approved by: Neil Cramer Date
Northwest Airlines AICC Chairman
This document describes how to extend the IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) Standard to include features which may be needed by the aviation and other communities.
The resulting data model and descriptive material constitute an AICC profile of the LOM.
AICC Recommendations Collections
Guidelines Learning Object LOM
Metadata Profile Obligations Reuse
The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
1.0 Initial Version – October 2006
Intentionally Blank
This document describes a metadata system adapted to aviation industry training.
A metadata system is a set of parameters associated with a learning object which enables a potential user to search for and evaluate that object. This information can also be used to track and organize the production process of the training courses.
It also enables, by using adapted search engines, to save time and energy (money) for training content producers, by facilitating the reusability of already existing training objects either directly (e.g. a photo) or for producing new products from older ones (e.g. updating of an assignable unit).
The learning objects which can have metadata associated with them may be of various granularity levels, from a simple photo to a big training program, but, in general, the smaller the objects, the higher the relative cost of creating metadata.
This metadata specification for the aviation industry is presented (mapped) and numbered according to the IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) categories and data elements. All categories and data elements added by the AICC appear after the LOM categories and elements.
The purpose of applying Meta-data is to enable discoverability of an object and to provide descriptive information about the object as a whole.
This profile is intended for general training needs and is non industry specific; however, it does include one additional category of elements targeted for the aviation industry.
The target audience of this profile is the designers, creators, training organizations and users of training content. The purpose of AICC LOM profile is assist in describing objects to:
Facilitate search
Evaluate usability of an object
Provide information on how to acquire an object
Provide information on the use of a object
Facilitate informed decisions about the usability/applicability of an object
Facilitate the sharing and exchange of AICC objects by enabling the development of catalogs and inventories
Facilitate the maintenance of AICC objects
The intent of this document is to provide an AICC profile of the IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM) and is designed to be an extension to the LOM.
This document provides additional elements and extended LOM vocabularies in the areas of Instructional Design specific terminology.
This document facilitates the formation of a schema, but does not include one. Specific implementations of this metadata are outside the scope of this document.
This document contains a number of additions to the LOM. However, there is an attempt to make as few changes as possible. The result is that the LOM becomes a subset of the AICC profile For instance, when LOM vocabularies are expanded, the original LOM vocabularies are kept unchanged. In forming the vocabulary tokens for the AICC additions, general rules were adopted:
All tokens would be lower case
All tokens would be one word, with underscores if necessary (no white space).
However, when LOM vocabulary tokens did not conform to the AICC general rules, the LOM vocabulary tokens were not changed.
Most of the additional data elements appear in the following categories Life Cycle
Educational Objectives
Applicability (new category) Collection (new category)
Additional data elements added by the AICC profile may be identified in one of two ways. First, the LOM data element number is identified as “none”, and second, frequently the element comment field indicates that the element is a unique AICC element.
A conforming metadata instance includes one or more of the metadata elements defined in this specification. A conforming instance may also contain extended elements. The names of elements in a conforming instance shall be the same as the names defined in this document.
Additional data elements may appear in a conforming instance. These are referred to as extended elements. However, in order to maximize interoperability, extended data elements shall not replace or duplicate data elements defined in the AICC Profile structure. This means that an organization should not introduce new data elements with the same meaning as elements already defined in the AICC Profile.
Similarly, extended vocabularies shall not duplicate or replace vocabulary terms defined in the AICC Profile.
A conforming repository or search engine shall enable the storage, searching, or viewing of all data elements in this profile.
A conforming metadata creation tool shall allow the creation of values for every metadata element in this specification. In addition, it shall store or export all metadata using the data element names defined in this Profile.
Mandatory and optional data elements may be determined by organizations and user groups. However, the AICC has a set of recommended obligations. The table below is separated into several columns. The metadata obligation shown in the recommended table depends on the aggregation level of the content object.
In columns two through six, the following obligation symbols are used:
“M” indicates that the element is Mandatory.
“O” indicates that the element is Optional.
“NU” Not used by AICC
The dark heading rows are used to separate the major categories - the highest level categories - in the LOM’s hierarchy of data elements. All Categories are lightly highlighted in gray. The major categories are those that appear first under the dark heading rows.
The angle brackets indicate categories and data elements that are in the LOM. Those without angle brackets are AICC additions.
Note: If the obligation M is defined for a category, then at least one of the data elements in that category must be mandatory.
Category/Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launch- able Resource | Asset |
<general> | M | M | M | M | M |
<identifier> | M | M | M | M | M |
<catalog> | M | M | M | M | M |
<entry> | M | M | M | M | M |
<title> | M | M | M | M | M |
<language> | O | O | O | O | O |
<description> | O | O | O | M | M |
<keyword> | M | M | M | O | O |
<coverage> | O | O | O | O | O |
<structure> | O | O | O | O | O |
<aggregationLevel> | M | M | M | M | M |
accessibility | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<lifeCycle> | M | M | M | M | M |
<version> | M | M | M | M | M |
<status> | M | M | M | M | M |
<contribute> | O | O | O | O | O |
<role> | O | O | O | O | O |
<entity> | O | O | O | O | O |
<date> | O | O | O | O | O |
Changes | O | O | O | O | O |
Type | O | O | O | O | O |
Date | O | O | O | O | O |
Location | O | O | O | O | O |
Reason | O | O | O | O | O |
Means | O | O | O | O | O |
Description | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<metaMetadata> | M | M | M | M | M |
<identifier> | O | O | O | O | O |
<catalog> | O | O | O | O | O |
<entry> | O | O | O | O | O |
<contribute> | O | O | O | O | O |
<role> | O | O | O | O | O |
<entity> | O | O | O | O | O |
<date> | O | O | O | O | O |
<metadataSchema> | M | M | M | M | M |
<language> | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<technical> | O | O | M | M | M |
<format> | O | O | M | M | M |
<size> | O | O | O | O | O |
<location> | O | O | O | O | O |
<requirement> | O | O | O | O | O |
<orComposite> | O | O | O | O | O |
<type> | O | O | O | O | O |
<name> | O | O | O | O | O |
<minimum- Version> | O | O | O | O | O |
<maximum- Version> | O | O | O | O | O |
<installationRemarks> | O | O | O | O | O |
<otherPlatformRequirements> | O | O | O | O | O |
<duration> | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<educational> | O | O | O | O | O |
<interactivityType> | O | O | O | O | O |
<learningResourceType> | O | O | O | O | O |
<interactivityLevel> | O | O | O | O | O |
<semanticDensity> | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
<intendedEndUserRole> | O | O | O | O | O |
<context> | O | O | O | O | O |
<typicalAgeRange> | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
<difficulty> | O | O | O | O | O |
<typicalLearningTime> | O | O | O | O | O |
<description> | O | O | O | O | O |
<language> | O | O | O | O | O |
adaptability | O | O | O | O | O |
assessmentType | O | O | O | O | O |
instructionalDomain | O | O | O | O | O |
conceptualPhilosophy | O | O | O | O | O |
cognitiveTaxonomy | O | O | O | O | O |
competencyLevel | O | O | O | O | O |
instructionalContext | O | O | O | O | O |
instructionalFeedbackLevel | O | O | O | O | O |
instructionalStrategy | O | O | O | O | O |
learningOutcomeType | O | O | O | O | O |
objective | O | O | M | O | O |
objectiveID | O | O | M | O | O |
objectiveTitle | O | O | O | O | O |
objectiveDescription | O | O | M | O | O |
objectiveType | O | O | M | O | O |
objectiveDomain | O | O | O | O | O |
objectiveLevel | O | O | O | O | O |
requiredTrainingResources | O | O | O | O | O |
trainingEventReporting | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<rights> | O | O | O | O | O |
<cost> | O | O | O | O | O |
<copyrightAndOtherRestriction s> | M | M | M | M | M |
<description> | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<relation> | O | O | O | O | O |
<kind> | O | O | O | O | O |
<resource> | O | O | O | O | O |
<identifier> | O | O | O | O | O |
<catalog> | O | O | O | O | O |
<entry> | O | O | O | O | O |
<description> | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<annotation> | O | O | O | O | O |
<entity> | O | O | O | O | O |
<date> | O | O | O | O | O |
<description> | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
<classification> | O | O | O | O | O |
<purpose> | O | O | O | O | O |
<taxonPath> | O | O | O | O | O |
<source> | O | O | O | O | O |
<taxon> | O | O | O | O | O |
<id> | O | O | O | O | O |
<entry> | O | O | O | O | O |
<description> | O | O | O | O | O |
<keyword> | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
Applicability | O | O | O | O | O |
Type | O | O | O | O | O |
Entry | O | O | O | O | O |
Element | Training Program | Structured Training Package | Assignable Unit | Launchable Resource | Asset |
collection | O | O | O` | O | O |
type | O | O | O` | O | O |
members | O | O | O` | O | O |
memberIdentifier | O | O | O` | O | O |
memberTitle | O | O | O` | O | O |
memberDescription | O | O | O` | O | O |
memberNumber | O | O | O` | O | O |
memberLocation | O | O | O` | O | O |
memberObjective | O | O | O` | O | O |
It is frequently helpful to know the obligation requirements of metadata when it is being reviewed. However, because each organization and using group may have a different obligation table, it may be difficult to determine where the creator’s obligation requirements can be found. In addition, when reviewing metadata from several sources, even knowing where all the obligation tables are, it becomes very cumbersome to look up the obligation of data elements of interest.
Therefore, the AICC offers another option for the determination of obligation level -- the obligation attribute. Each metadata element may have an attribute associated with it, describing the obligation of that element in that metadata instance.
There are three possible values that may be used to identify the obligation requirements for a given data element. If there is no obligation specifically identified for a data element, its obligation level is unknown. If it is important to determine the obligation level for an element without an attribute, the creating organization’s obligation table must be consulted. The three obligation attributes are:
M: mandatory
O: optional
NU: not used
For simple obligations, the attribute may be expressed in the metadata instance as obligation=”Z”, where is Z represents the letters M, O, or NU.
There may be times when it is desirable to make an obligation depend upon the existence or value of another data element. These simple dependencies may be expressed as the following:
If X then the obligation of Y is Z.
X is a logical expression describing a controlling data element. Y is a category or data element. Z is the obligation identifier M, O or NU. If a value for X exists (i.e. X = any) or a specific value for X exists (eg. Technical.Format = video) then the Y obligation is Z.
Logic operators that may be used in the X expression are EQUALS (=), NOT (~) AND (+) and OR (|). The special word “any” may be used to indicate any value for X fulfills the obligation requirement. If there is no equal sign in the X expression, then “any” is assumed.
The obligation attribute appears in the Y data element in the form X:Z. A colon separates the conditional requirement from the resulting obligation.
The data element General.Keyword is considered optional. This would result in the following attribute for General.Keyword: <general> <keyword obligation=”O”> <string language="en">learning object</string> <string language="nl">leerobject</string> <string language="fr">objet d’apprentissage</string> </keyword> <keyword obligation=”O”> <string language="en">metadata</string> <string language="nl">metadata</string> <string language="fr">métadonnées</string> </keyword> </general> |
The data element General.Identifier is always required. This would result in the following attribute for General Identifier: <general> <identifier obligation=”M”> <catalog>URI</catalog> <entry>http://www.adlnet.org/content/CO_01</entry> </identifier> </general> |
The data element is Educational.Objective ID Obligation attribute may be stated as follows: If Objective Title or Objective Description exists then Objective ID is Mandatory This would result in the following attribute for Objective ID <objectiveId obligation=”objectiveTitle | objectiveDescription: M”> 132APU </objectiveId> |
The data element is Technical.Duration. The obligation attribute may be stated as follows: If the Technical.Format is video or audio, then duration is required. This would result in the following attribute for Technical.Duration . <technical> <duration obligation=”technical.format=video | technical.format=audio: M> <!-- Movie will play for 1 hour and 30 minutes --> <duration>01:30:00</duration> <description obligation=”O”> <string language="en">Length of time to play movie</string> </description> </duration> </technical> |
In the table below, the columns have the following information:
Nr = IEEE LOM metadata identification number. Those categories and data elements without a number are those added by the AICC.
Name = the LOM or AICC name for the data element or category.
Size - the maximum number of times the element values or category may appear in the metadata instance.
Data Type = the form of data that may be placed as a value in the data element.
same = AICC applies the metadata exactly in the same way as LOM
half = the application principle is the same but there are some differences concerning the definitions or the possible values
not used : AICC does not use the LOM metadata
additional : we have an additional information or vocabulary compared to LOM
new: a new element added by the AICC that is not in the LOM Note: The light gray highlighting indicates a category.
Nr | Name | Size | Data type | LOM |
1 | General | 1 | ||
1.1 | Identifier | 10 | ||
1.1.1 | Catalog | 1 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
1.1.2 | Entry | 1 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
1.2 | Title | 1 | LangString 1000 | same |
1.3 | Language | 10 | CharacterString 100 | same |
1.4 | Description | 10 | LangString 2000 | same |
1.5 | Keyword | 10 | LangString 1000 | same |
1.6 | Coverage | not used | ||
1.7 | Structure | same | ||
1.8 | Aggregation level | 1 | Vocabulary | half |
Accessibility | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
2 | Life Cycle | 1 | ||
2.1 | Version | 1 | LangString 50 | same |
2.2 | Status | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
2.3 | Contribute | 30 | ||
2.3.1 | Role | 1 | Vocabulary | additional |
2.3.2 | Entity | 40 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
2.3.3 | Date | 1 | DateTime | same |
Changes | 100 | |||
Type | 1 | Vocabulary | addition | |
Location | 1 | CharacterString 100 | addition | |
Reason | 1 | Vocabulary | addition | |
Means | 1 | Vocabulary | addition | |
Description | 1 | CharacterString 200 | addition | |
3 | Meta-Metadata | 1 | ||
3.1 | Identifier | 10 | ||
3.1.1 | Catalog | 1 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
3.1.2 | Entry | 1 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
3.2 | Contribute | 10 | same | |
3.2.1 | Role | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
3.2.2 | Entity | 10 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
3.2.3 | Date | 1 | DateTime | same |
3.3 | Metadata Schema | 10 | same | |
3.4 | Language | 1 | CharacterString 100 | same |
4 | Technical | 1 | ||
4.1 | Format | 40 | CharacterString 500 | same |
4.2 | Size | 1 | CharacterString 30 | same |
4.3 | Location | 10 | CharacterString 1000 | same |
4.4 | Requirement | 40 | ||
4.4.1 | OrComposite | 40 | || | Type | 1 | Vocabulary | | | Name | 1 | Vocabulary | | | Minimum version | 1 | CharacterString 30 | | | Maximum version | 1 | CharacterString 30 | |
4.5 | Installation remarks | 1 | LangString 1000 | |
4.6 | Other platform requirements, in complement to 4.4 | 1 | LangString 1000 | |
4.7 | Duration | 1 | Duration | |
5 | Educational | 100 | ||
5.1 | Interactivity type | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
5.2 | Learning resource type | additional | ||
5.3 | Interactivity level | 1 | Vocabulary | half |
5.4 | Semantic density | not used | ||
5.5 | Intended end user role | 10 | Vocabulary | half |
5.6 | Context | 10 | Vocabulary | half |
5.7 | Typical age range | not used | ||
5.8 | Difficulty | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
5.9 | Typical learning time | 1 | Duration | same |
5.10 | Description | LangString | same | |
5.11 | Language | 10 | CharacterString | same |
Required Training Resources | new | |||
Objective | new | |||
Objective ID | new | |||
Objective title | new | |||
Objective description | new | |||
Objective type | new | |||
Objective domain | new | |||
Objective level | new | |||
Instructional strategy | Vocabulary | new | ||
Adaptability | new | |||
Instructional domain | new | |||
Conceptual Reference | ||||
Cognitive Taxonomy | ||||
Competency level | new | |||
Instructional feedback level | ||||
Training event reporting | ||||
6 | Rights | 1 | same | |
6.1 | Cost | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
6.2 | Copyright and other restrictions | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
6.3 | Description | 1 | LangString | same |
7 | Relation | 100 | ||
7.1 | Kind | 1 | half | |
7.2 | Resource | 1 | same | |
7.2.1 | Identifier | 10 | same | | | Catalog | 1 | same | | | Entry | 1 | same | |
7.2.2 | Description | 10 | LangString SPM 1000 | same |
8 | Annotation | 30 | same | |
8.1 | Entity | 1 | same | |
8.2 | Date | 1 | DateTime | same |
8.3 | Description | 1 | LangString | same |
9 | Classification | 40 | same | |
9.1 | Purpose | 1 | Vocabulary | same |
9.2 | Taxon Path | 15 | same | |
9.2.1 | Source | 1 | langString | same |
9.2.2 | Taxon | 15 | same | | | ID | 1 | CharacterString | same | | Entry | 1 | LangString | same |
9.3 | Description | 1 | LangString | same |
9.4 | Keyword | 40 | LangString | same |
Applicability | 10 | new | ||
Type | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
Entry | 1 | CharacterString | new | |
Changes | 100 | new | ||
Type | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
Date | 1 | DateTime | new | |
Location | 1 | CharacterString | new | |
Reason | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
Means | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
Description | 1 | CharacterString | ||
Collection | 1 | new | ||
Type | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
Members | 1000 | new | ||
Member Identifier | 1 | CharacterString | new | |
Member Title | 1 | CharacterString | new | |
Member Type | 1 | Vocabulary | new | |
Member Description | 1 | CharacterString | new | |
Member Number | 1 | Integer | new | |
Member Location | 1 | CharacterString | new | |
Member Objective | 1 | CharacterString | new |
The following categories and data elements are based on the IEEE LOM, a widely used international standard. The LOM number indicates the reference number in the LOM standards document version 1.0. When the LOM number is none, it indicates that the category or data elment is an AICC creation augmenting the base LOM scheme.
Additionally, when AICC information has been used to augment the LOM data it has been highlighted in one way or another. For instance, a vocabulary list may include additional elements needed for the AICC. The LOM elements appear above the divider ---- LOM ----. The elements below the divider are added by the AICC requirements. The Comment space will frequently indicate any differences between the data element in the base LOM scheme and the AICC base scheme.
Label | General | LOM Number | 1 |
Definition | This category groups the general information that describes this learning object as a whole. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | |||
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <profile> AICCv1.0 </profile> <identifier> <catalog>URI</catalog> <entry>http://www.adlnet.org/content/CO_01</entry> </identifier> <title> <string language=”en”>Title for the learning object</string> </title> <language>en</language> <description> <string language=”en”>Textual description</string> </description> <keyword> <string language=”en”>learning object</string> </keyword> <structure> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>atomic</value> </structure> <aggregationLevel> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <value>3</value> </aggregationLevel> </general> </aiccLom > |
Label | General.Identifier | LOM Number | 1.1 |
Definition | A globally unique label that identifies this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | Identifier has 2 children: Entry and Title. Same as LOM. |
Examples | < aiccLom > <general> <identifier> <catalog>URI</catalog> <entry>http://www.adlnet.org/content/CO_01</entry> </identifier> </general> </ aiccLom > |
Label | General.Identifier.Catalog | LOM Number | 1.1.1 |
Definition | The name or designator of the identification or cataloging scheme for this entry. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Identifies the world in which the Identifier Entry is unique. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <identifier> <catalog>URI</catalog> <entry>http://www.adlnet.org/content/CO_01</entry> </identifier> </general> </aiccLom> | ||
<aiccLom> <general> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-F18E/F </catalog> <entry>YMQ16-A10</entry> </identifier> </general> </aiccLom> | |||
<aiccLom> <general> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-ALTEON </catalog> <entry>B17-623A</entry> </identifier> </general> </aiccLom> | |||
<aiccLom> <general> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-AIRBUS </catalog> <entry>A320-623A</entry> </identifier> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.Identifier.Entry | LOM Number | 1.1.2 |
Definition | The value of the identifier within the identification or cataloging scheme that designates or identifies this learning object. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | This is the unique identifier. I may be a file name or uri . Same as LOM. |
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-ALTEON </catalog> <entry> M17-A231-C12.2</entry> </identifier> </general> </aiccLom> |
<aiccLom> <general> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-AIRBUS </catalog> <entry> http://www.abcd.org/document/1234</entry> </identifier> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.Title | LOM Number | 1.2 |
Definition | The value of the identifier within the identification or cataloging scheme that designates or identifies this learning object. | ||
Data Type | LangString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <title> <string language=”en”> Autoflight System Presentation </string> </title> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.Language | LOM Number | 1.3 |
Definition | The primary human language or languages used within this learning object to communicate to the intended user. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 100 | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | ISO 639:1988 | ||
Comment | The ISO standard uses two letter designators for the basic language which may be followed by a two letter designator for the country in which the language is used. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <language>en</language> <language>fr-CA</language> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.Description | LOM Number | 1.4 |
Definition | A textual description of the content of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | LangString 2000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. |
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <description> <string language=”en”> Textual description of the learning object </string> </description> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.Keyword | LOM Number | 1.5 |
Definition | A keyword or phrase describing the topic of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | LangString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <lom> <general> <keyword> <string language="en">learning object</string> <string language="nl">leerobject</string> <string language="fr">objet d’apprentissage</string> </keyword> <keyword> <string language="en">metadata</string> <string language="nl">metadata</string> <string language="fr">métadonnées</string> </keyword> </general> </lom> |
Label | General.Coverage | LOM Number | 1.6 |
Definition | |||
Data Type | Max Number of Occurrences | ||
Values | |||
Comment | Not used by AICC. | ||
Examples |
Label | General.Structure | LOM Number | 1.7 |
Definition | Underlying organizational structure of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
atomic | an object that is indivisible in this context | ||
collection | a set of objects with no specified relationship between them | ||
networked | a set of objects with relationships that are unspecified | ||
hierarchical | a set of objects whose relationships can be represented by a tree structure | ||
linear | a set of objects that are fully ordered. Example: A set of objects that are connected by “previous” and “next” relationships. | ||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> |
<structure> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>atomic</value> </structure> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.AggregationLevel | LOM Number | 1.8 |
Definition | The functional granularity of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
1 | asset | pieces of content or assessments that usually can’t be used by themselves. Examples of assets include: Images, Animations, Text, Video, Questions, Templates, Smart Graphics, etc | |
2 | launchable resource | a grouping of one or more assets bundled together for a single launchable resource, such as a web page (consisting of assets such as text, audio, and graphics). | |
3 | au | a self-contained “chunk” of data consisting of one or more assets or launchable resources. An assignable unit is the first level of aggregated objects where assets are combined for a particular stand-alone purpose. An assignable unit is the lowest level that can communicate with an LMS. | |
4 | package | a digital description of Assignable Units, Launchable Resources, and Assets, including off-line activities (simulator sessions, classroom sessions, etc.). Sequencing information and the structure may be hierarchical with many levels, or flat. A training package is comprised of learning activities on-line and offline, summary information, and assessment items. | |
5 | program | a collection of structured training packages related to a specific syllabus, or curriculum. It includes a digital description of the structured training packages, as well as sequencing information for the structured training packages. | |
Comment | The AICC uses the same vocabulary tokens (numbers) as LOM. However, the AICC adds another level (5) and defines the levels less generically than LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <general> <aggregationLevel> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <value>2</value> </aggregationLevel> </general> </aiccLom> |
Label | General.Accessibility | LOM Number | none |
Definition | Methodologies employed to develop content to be delivered to people with disabilities (e.g., color blind, vision impairment, blind, hard of hearing, deaf, cognitive impairment, neurological impairment, and speech impairment), dexterity impaired, cognitive impairment, hearing impaired). |
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 7 |
Values | |||
Comment | Disabilities: color blind, vision impairment blind, hard of hearing, deaf, mobility impaired, cognitive impairment, neurological impairment, and speech impairment. The four principles of accessibility as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C)Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): are: 1) Content must be perceivable to each user. 2) User interface components in the content must be operable by each user. 3) Content and controls must be understandable to each user. 4) Content must be robust enough to work with current and future technologies. This methodology is usually based on the Section 508 Specifications | ||
Examples | Example of HTML markup for Level A conformance. <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG1A-Conformance" title="Explanation of Level A Conformance"> <img height="32" width="88" src="http://www.w3.org/WAI/wcag1A" alt="Level A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"> </a> | ||
Example of HTML markup for Level double-A conformance. <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG1AA-Conformance" title="Explanation of Level Double-A Conformance"> <img height="32" width="88" src="http://www.w3.org/WAI/wcag1AA" alt="Level Double-A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"> </a> | |||
Example of HTML markup for Level triple-A conformance. <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG1AAA-Conformance" title="Explanation of Level Triple-A Conformance"> <img height="32" width="88" src="http://www.w3.org/WAI/wcag1AAA" alt="Level Triple-A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"> </a> |
Label | LifeCycle | LOM Number | 2 |
Definition | This category describes the history and current state of this learning object and those entities that have affected this learning object during its evolution. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | |||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <version> <string language="en">1.0 alpha</string> |
</version> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>final</value> </status> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>author</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe FridayEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">A description for the date</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Version | LOM Number | 2.1 |
Definition | The edition of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | LangString 50 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <version> <string language="en">1.0 alpha</string> </version> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Status | LOM Number | 2.2 |
Definition | The edition of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
draft | Component is in a draft state (as determined by the developer) | ||
final | Component is in a final state (as determined by the developer) | ||
revised | Component has been revised since the last version. | ||
unavailable | Status information is unavailable. | ||
Comment | Same as LOM. Description provided by AICC. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>final</value> </status> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Contribute | LOM Number | 2.3 |
Definition | Those entities (people, organization…) that have contributed to the state of this learning object during its life cycle. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 30 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | This category has 3 children to describe each contribution: Role, Entity, and Date. Up to 30 contributors can be described. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>author</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe FridayEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">A description for the date</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Contribute.Role | LOM Number | 2.3.1 |
Definition | Kind of contribution. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
author | A person or group that originates or creates the content | ||
publisher | A person or group that disseminates or releases for distribution the content | ||
unknown | The kind of contribution made by the entity is not known. | ||
initiator | A person or group who facilitates the beginning of the content | ||
terminator | A person or group who forms the ending of the content | ||
validator | A person or group who verifies the content | ||
editor | A person or group who alter, adapt, or refine the content | ||
graphical designer | A person or group who uses software tools to create visual representations of an object | ||
technical implementer | A person or group who adds technical features for the content | ||
content provider | A person or group who makes the content available to users | ||
educational validator | A person or group who verifies the educational effectiveness of the content | ||
script writer | A person or group who writes the text of a production object such as audio or video | ||
instructional designer | Designs instructional and cognitive strategies to support the core content of a learning object so that learning occurs. | ||
subject matter expert | Person knowledgeable in the domain covered by the content. | ||
developer | AICC addition: uses authoring tools to produce the final |
deliverable. | ||
qa | ÁICC addition: Quality Assurance. A person or group who functionally or technically validates the content. | |
content_designer | ÁICC addition: A person or group who creates the visual and behavioral representation of the training content | |
media_developer | AICC addition: uses software tools to create various media types: graphics, 3D environments, animations, video, sound, etc. | |
programmer | AICC addition: anyone who writes code. | |
Comment | The AICC vocabulary expands the LOM vocabulary with developer, qa, content_designer, media_developer, and programmer. All descriptions of any of the vocabulary elements are AICC additions to LOM. | |
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <contribute> <role> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <value>author</value> </role> </contribute> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Contribute.Entity | LOM Number | 2.3.2 |
Definition | The identification of and information about entities (people, organizations) contributing to this learning object. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 40 |
Values | |||
Comment | If their contribution was on the same date, up to 40 people or organizations can be identified as having the same role in the creation of the learning object. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>author</value> </role> <entity>Joe Fred Biggs</entity> <entity>Pierre Cottlemeyer</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">A description for the date</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Contribute.Date | LOM Number | 2.3.3 |
Definition | The date of the contribution. | ||
Data Type | DateTime | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | DateTime consists of two elements, a date-time and a description. |
Comment | Same as SCORM. |
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>author</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe AuthorEND:VCARD</entity> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Mary AuthorEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">This date represents the date the author finished authoring the component.</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Changes | LOM Number | none |
Definition | Identification of what is different in the revised object. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 1000 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | AICC addition. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>revised</value> </status> <changes> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <change> <type> au </type> <date> 2006-09-15 </date> <location> frame 16 </location> <reason> correction </reason> <means> change </means> <description> Corrected spelling error. </description> </change> </changes> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Changes.Type | LOM Number | none |
Definition | Category of the object being changed. Level of aggregation or more specific type. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
question | A single assessment item. | ||
smart_graphic | An illustration whose appearance can be changed |
programmatically. | ||
template | Something that establishes or serves as a pattern | |
text | Printed or written matter | |
graphic | An illustration or photograph | |
animation | A motion sequence generated artificially. | |
video | A motion sequence recorded from reality. | |
audio | sound recording | |
other_asset | pieces of content or assessments that usually can’t be used by themselves. Excludes the specific asset types listed above. | |
launchable | a grouping of one or more assets bundled together for a single launchable resource, such as a web page (consisting of assets such as text, audio, and graphics). | |
au | a self-contained “chunk” of data consisting of one or more assets or launchable resources. An assignable unit is the first level of aggregated objects where assets are combined for a particular stand-alone purpose. An assignable unit is the lowest level that can communicate with an LMS. | |
package | a digital description of Assignable Units, Launchable Resources, and Assets, including off-line activities (simulator sessions, classroom sessions, etc.). Sequencing information and the structure may be hierarchical with many levels, or flat. A training package is comprised of learning activities on-line and offline, summary information, and assessment items. | |
program | a collection of structured training packages related to a specific syllabus, or curriculum. It includes a digital description of the structured training packages, as well as sequencing information for the structured training packages. | |
Comment | AICC addition. Note that the aggregation level of the object to which this metadata applies may be different than the aggregation level of the object which changed. For instance, the metadata may be about a course, but the object that changed was an assignable unit. | |
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>revised</value> </status> <changes> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <change> <type> au </type> <location> frame 16 </location> <reason> correction </reason> <description> Corrected spelling error. </description> </change> </changes> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | Changes.Date | LOM Number | none |
Definition | Date that this change was completed. | ||
Data Type | Date | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | ||
Comment |
Examples |
Label | LifeCycle.Changes.Location | LOM Number | none |
Definition | Indication of where in the object the change occurred. | ||
Data Type | Character string 100 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | AICC addition. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>revised</value> </status> <changes> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <change> <type> au </type> <location> frame 16 </location> <reason> correction </reason> <description> Corrected spelling error. </description> </change> </changes> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Changes.Reason | LOM Number | none |
Definition | Why the change was made. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
technical | Technical changes were made in the subject covered by the learning object. | ||
correction | A mistake was detected and corrected in the earlier version of the object. | ||
improvement | The change enhances the learning object in some way. | ||
Comment | AICC addition. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>revised</value> </status> <changes> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <change> <type> assignable unit </type> <location> frame 16 </location> <reason> correction </reason> <description> Corrected spelling error. </description> </change> </changes> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Changes.Means | LOM Number | none |
Definition | How the change was made. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
addition | Something was added to the learning object. | ||
deletion | Something was subtracted from the learning object. | ||
change | Something is different in the learning object. | ||
Comment | AICC addition. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>revised</value> </status> <changes> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <change> <type> assignable unit </type> <location> frame 16 </location> <reason> correction </reason> <means> change </means> <description> Corrected spelling error. </description> </change> </changes> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | LifeCycle.Changes.Description | LOM Number | none |
Definition | More information about the change. | ||
Data Type | Character string 200 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | AICC addition. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <lifeCycle> <status> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>revised</value> </status> <changes> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <change> <type> assignable unit </type> <location> frame 16 </location> <reason> correction </reason> <description> Corrected spelling error. </description> </change> </changes> </lifeCycle> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata | LOM Number | 3 |
Definition | This category describes the metadata record itself, not the learning object. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | |||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <identifier> <catalog>URI</catalog> <entry>http://www.aicc.org</entry> </identifier> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>creator</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Metadata CreatorEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">This date represents the date the creator finished authoring the metadata.</string> </description> </date> </contribute> <metadataSchema>LOMv1.0</metadataSchema> <metadataSchema>AICCv1.0</metadataSchema> <language>en</language> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Identifier | LOM Number | 3.1 |
Definition | A globally unique label that identifies this metadata record. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | This category has 2 children to describe each contribution: Catalog and Entry. Up to 10 identifiers can be described. Same as LOM. The common practice in the aviation industry is to identify a label that is unique to the domain specified in Catalog. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <identifier> <catalog>URI</catalog> <entry>http://www.aicc.org</entry> </identifier> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Identifier.Catalog | LOM Number | 3.1.1 |
Definition | The name or designator of the identification or cataloging scheme for this entry. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |
Comment | Identifies the world in which the Identifier Entry is unique. Same as LOM. |
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-F18E/F </catalog> <entry> M17-A231-C12.2</entry> </identifier> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Identifier.Entry | LOM Number | 3.1.2 |
Definition | The value of the identifier within the identification or cataloging scheme that designates or identifies this metadata record. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | This is the unique identifier. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <identifier> <catalog> AICC-AIRBUS </catalog> <entry> APU17M </entry> </identifier> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Contribute | LOM Number | 3.2 |
Definition | Those entities (people, organization…) that have contributed to the state of this metadata instance during its life cycle. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | This category has 3 children to describe each contribution: Role, Entity, and Date. Up to 10 contributors can be described. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>creator</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Metadata CreatorEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">This date represents the date the creator finished authoring the metadata.</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Contribute.Role | LOM Number | 3.2.1 |
Definition | Kind of contribution. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Creator Validator | ||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>creator</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Metadata CreatorEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">This date represents the date the creator finished authoring the metadata.</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Contribute.Entity | LOM Number | 3.2.2 |
Definition | The identification of and information about entities (people, organizations) contributing to this metaqdata instance. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | |||
Comment | If their contribution was on the same date, up to 10 people or organizations can be identified as having the same role in the creation of the metadata instance. The CharacterString may or may not represent a valid vCard. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>creator</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Metadata CreatorEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-12</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">This date represents the date the creator finished authoring the metadata.</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Contribute.Date | LOM Number | 3.2.3 |
Definition | The date of the contribution. | ||
Data Type | DateTime | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <contribute> <role> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>creator</value> </role> <entity>BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Metadata CreatorEND:VCARD</entity> <date> <dateTime>2002-12-16</dateTime> <description> <string language="en">This date represents the date the creator finished authoring the metadata.</string> </description> </date> </contribute> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.MetadataSchema | LOM Number | 3.3 |
Definition | The name and version of the authoritative specification used to create this metadata instance. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. Identifies the profile that was used for the metadata instance. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <!-- Mandatory Element/Values for all SCORM 1.3 Meta-data instances --> <metadataSchema>LOMv1.0</metadataSchema> <metadataSchema>AICCv1.0</metadataSchema> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | MetaMetadata.Language | LOM Number | 3.4 |
Definition | Language of this metadata instance. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 100 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | ISO 639:1988 | ||
Comment | The ISO standard uses two letter designators for the basic language which may be followed by a three letter designator for the country in which the language is used. Same as LOM. This value represents the default language for all LangStrings. If a value for this data element is not present in a meta-data instance, then there is no default language for LangString values. If this value is provided it is not necessary to indicate a language value for LangString elements. |
Examples | <aiccLom> <metaMetadata> <language>en</language> </metaMetadata> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical | LOM Number | 4 |
Definition | This category describes the technical requirements and characteristics of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <format>text/html</format> <size>1024</size> <location>Lesson01/Module01/Resources/SCO01.htm</location> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> <installationRemarks> <string language="en">This activity requires the client browser to have a Macromedia Flash plugin installed.</string> </installationRemarks> <otherPlatformRequirements> <string language="en">Sound card, Min. RAM: 16Mb, Video card and display: at least 800 X 600 pixels x 256 colors</string> </otherPlatformRequirements> <duration> <duration>00:35:15</duration> <description> <string language="en">Length of time to play simulation</string> </description> </duration> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.Format | LOM Number | 4.1 |
Definition | Technical datatype(s) (of all the components of) this learning object. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 500 | Max Number of Occurrences | 40 |
Values | MIME types based on IANA registration (see RFC2048:1996). Up to 40 different types may be listed for a learning object. | ||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <format>video/mpeg</format> |
<format>text/html</format> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.Size | LOM Number | 4.2 |
Definition | The size of the digital learning object in bytes. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 30 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | A string which may be converted to an integer number. | ||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <size>345</size> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.Location | LOM Number | 4.3 |
Definition | A string that is used to access to this learning object. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <location>http://www.adlnet.org/content/Asset.jpg</location> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.Requirement | LOM Number | 4.4 |
Definition | The technical capabilities necessary for using this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 40 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | A list of requirements, all of which are required to enable the use of the learning object. Each requirement in the list has at least one “orComposite.” If there is only one set of orComposite elements, then that is a requirement. But if there are several alternatives for that requirement, then the list of orComposites is a sublist any one of whose members could satisfy that requirement. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> </technical> |
</aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.OrComposite | LOM Number | 4.4.1 |
Definition | Multiple requirement grouped with the logical connector OR. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 40 |
Values | None | ||
Comment | A list of technical requirements, any one of which may be used to enable the use of the learning object. This category has four children which may be used to describe each requirement. Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>netscape communicator</value> </name> <minimumVersion>4.7.9</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>5.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.OrComposite.Type | LOM Number | |
Definition | The technology required to use this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Operating system Browser | ||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> |
</type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.OrComposite.Name | LOM Number | |
Definition | Name of the required technology to use this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | If requirement.orComposite.type = “operating system” pc-dos ms-windows macos unix multi-os none other If requirement.orComposite.type = “browser” any netscape communicator mozilla ms-internet_explorer opera firefox amaya other none | ||
Comment | AICC modification to vocabulary by addition of other, mozilla, and firefox. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Technical.OrComposite.MinimumVersion | LOM Number | |
Definition | Lowest possible version of the required technology to use this learning object. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 30 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | technical.orComposite.maximumVersion | LOM Number | |
Definition | Lowest possible version of the required technology to use this learning object. | ||
Data Type | CharacterString 30 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <requirement> <orComposite> <type> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>browser</value> </type> <name> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>ms-internet explorer</value> </name> <minimumVersion>5.0</minimumVersion> <maximumVersion>6.0</maximumVersion> </orComposite> </requirement> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | technical.installationRemarks | LOM Number | 4.5 |
Definition | Description of how to install this learning object | ||
Data Type | LangString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |
Comment | Same as LOM. |
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <installationRemarks> <string language="en">This activity requires the client browser to have a Macromedia Flash plugin installed.</string> </installationRemarks> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | technical.otherPlatformRequirements | LOM Number | 4.6 |
Definition | Information about software and hardware requirements | ||
Data Type | LangString 1000 | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <otherPlatformRequirements> <string language="en"> Sound card, Min. RAM 32Mb, Resolution min 1024x768, Min 256 colors </string> </otherPlatformRequirements> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | technical.duration | LOM Number | 4.7 |
Definition | Time a continuous learning object takes when played at intended speed | ||
Data Type | TimeSpan | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | |||
Comment | Same as LOM except for datatype of AICC CMI TimeSpan instead of ISO duration. | ||
Examples | <aiccLom> <technical> <duration> <!-- Movie will play for 1 hour and 30 minutes --> <duration>01:30:00</duration> <description> <string language="en">Length of time to play movie</string> </description> </duration> </technical> </aiccLom> |
Label | Educational | LOM Number | 5 |
Definition | This category describes the key educational or pedagogic characteristics of this learning object. | ||
Data Type | Category | Max Number of Occurrences | 100 |
Values | |||
Comment | |||
Examples | <aiccLom> <educational> <interactivityType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>mixed</value> </interactivityType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>figure</value> </learningResourceType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>narrative text</value> </learningResourceType> <interactivityLevel> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>very low</value> </interactivityLevel> <intendedEndUserRole> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>learner</value> </intendedEndUserRole> <difficulty> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>easy</value> </difficulty> <typicalLearningTime> <duration>PT1H30M</duration> <description> <string language="en">Average length of time to experience the activity.</string> </description> </typicalLearningTime> <language>en-US</language> </educational> </aiccLom> |
Label | Educational.InteractivityType | LOM Number | 5.1 |
Definition | The flow of interaction between this resource and the intended user. ---- LOM ---- The interactivity type identifies the predominant mode of learning that is supported by the learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Token | Description | |
active | Active learning is learning by doing. This type is supported by content |
that directly induces productive action by the learner. An active learning object prompts the learner for semantically meaningful input or for some other kind of productive action or decision, not necessarily performed within the learning object's framework. Active documents include simulations, questionnaires, and exercises. | ||
expositive | Expositive learning is passive learning. This occurs when the learner's job mainly consists of absorbing the content exposed to him (generally through text, images or sound). An expositive learning object displays information but does not prompt the learner for any semantically meaningful input. Expositive documents include essays, video clips, all kinds of graphical material, and hypertext documents. | |
mixed | Mixed corresponds to a learning resource with both active and expositive segments in it. | |
Comment | Same as LOM with augmented definition and vocabulary descriptions. | |
Examples | <aiccLom> <educational> <interactivityType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>mixed</value> </interactivityType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>figure</value> </learningResourceType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>narrative text</value> </learningResourceType> <interactivityLevel> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>very low</value> </interactivityLevel> <intendedEndUserRole> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>learner</value> </intendedEndUserRole> <difficulty> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>easy</value> </difficulty> <typicalLearningTime> <duration>PT1H30M</duration> <description> <string language="en">Average length of time to experience the activity.</string> </description> </typicalLearningTime> <language>en-US</language> </educational> </aiccLom> |
Label | Educational.LearningResourceType | LOM Number | 5.2 |
Definition | Specific kind of learning object. | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 10 |
Values | Vocabulary Tokens | Description |
exercise | A maneuver, operation, or drill carried out for training and discipline | |
simulation | Training Activity that replicates real life situations in an artificial environment. Students perform as if the activities were occurring in real life. | |
questionnaire | A set of questions that are not used as a performance evaluation for a learner. | |
diagram | A drawing that shows arrangement and relations | |
figure | A diagram or pictorial illustration | |
graph | A collection of coordinates to satisfy a given relation | |
index | A list of some specified data (as author, subject, or keyword) | |
slide | An illustration or photograph on a transparent medium that may be projected onto a screen for viewing. | |
table | A systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference | |
narrative text | The textual representation of an event or story | |
exam | A collection of assessment items which are used to determine a learner’s proficiency. | |
experiment | An operation or procedure carried out under controlled conditions. | |
problem statement | ||
self assessment | A set of questions used by a learner to determine his own level of performance. | |
lecture | A discourse given before an audience or class for instruction | |
collection | A set of objects with no specified relationship between them. | |
question | An assessment item. A unit of assessment. | |
example | One that is representative of all of a group or type | |
lesson | A unit of instruction of arbitrary length and size. | |
video | A motion sequence recorded from reality. | |
animation | A motion sequence generated artificially. | |
audio | Sound recording | |
graphic | An illustration or photograph. | |
question_ bank | A collection of questions any one or more of which may be used to populate exams. | |
Comment | AICC added definitions to vocabulary elements. AICC added collection, question, example, lesson, video, animation, audio, graphic, question_bank to the vocabulary. | |
Examples | <aiccLom> <educational> <interactivityType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>mixed</value> </interactivityType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>figure</value> </learningResourceType> <learningResourceType> <source>AICCv1.0</source> <value>example</value> </learningResourceType> <interactivityLevel> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>very low</value> </interactivityLevel> |
<intendedEndUserRole> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>learner</value> </intendedEndUserRole> <difficulty> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>easy</value> </difficulty> <typicalLearningTime> <duration>PT1H30M</duration> <description> <string language="en">Average length of time to experience the activity.</string> </description> </typicalLearningTime> <language>en-US</language> </educational> </aiccLom> |
Label | Educational.InteractivityLevel | LOM Number | 5.3 |
Definition | This element shall define the degree of interactivity between the end user and this resource. ---- LOM ---- The degree of interactivity that characterizes this learning object. Interactivity in this context refers to the degree to which the learner can influence the aspect or behavior of the learning object . | ||
Data Type | Vocabulary | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 |
Values | Vocabulary Tokens | Description | |
none | Simple delivery of information to students. The student acts solely as the receiver of information. | ||
very low | Provision of pre-defined links for students to explore. The student makes simple responses to instructional cues. | ||
low | Involves computer mediated communication. The student makes a variety of responses using varied techniques in response to instructional cues. | ||
medium | Self-contained instructional modules available on WWW. The student makes a variety of responses using varied techniques in response to instructional cues. |
syllabus, class notes, assignments, etc.
allows for material delivery locally or at a distance;
all web courses implemented at this level.
outside resources related to current topic;
simple exploration of outside sites; required instructional activities at specified sites.
primarily text-based interaction;
on-line interaction between students and instructor;
asynchronous communication:
use of listservs and newsgroups;
synchronous communication
internet Relay Chat (IRC)
web-based course management tools;
available for individual access or downloading;
high | Student synthesis and creation of WWW resources; Instructor provides some instruction on HTML tools. The student makes a variety of responses using varied techniques in response to instructional cues. | |
very high | Text-based and visual instructional environments accesible simultaneously by multiple users. The student is directly involved in a life-like set of complex cues and responses. | |
Comment | AICC provided descriptions and added "none" to the LOM vocabulary. Note that feedback and interactivity are two different concepts. For example, a free- play simulation could be very interactive, with no instructional feedback. | |
Examples | <aiccLom> <educational> <interactivityType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>mixed</value> </interactivityType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>figure</value> </learningResourceType> <learningResourceType> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>narrative text</value> </learningResourceType> <interactivityLevel> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>very low</value> </interactivityLevel> <intendedEndUserRole> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>learner</value> </intendedEndUserRole> <difficulty> <source>LOMv1.0</source> <value>easy</value> </difficulty> <typicalLearningTime> <duration>PT1H30M</duration> <description> <string language="en">Average length of time to experience the activity.</string> </description> </typicalLearningTime> <language>en-US</language> </educational> </aiccLom> |
student creation options:
individual representation of course information;
location of external course-related resources.
expands the level of potential interaction;
allows for manipulation of instructional variables;
simulations on the web;
virtual reality
Label | Educational.InteractivityLevel | LOM Number | 5.4 |
Definition | |||
Data Type | Max Number of Occurrences | 1 | |
Values | |||
Comment | Not Used by the AICC. | ||
Examples |
Label | Educational.IntendedEndUserRole | LOM Number |